
Kampala is the capital city and business town of the country, it is the busiest town in Uganda.
It is the administrative city of the Republic of Uganda with most banks, embassies, and headquarters to most Government and nongovernment parastatals.
Kampala is rich in history that dates a far back as before the colonial times and culture with a mixture of both ancient traditional and current lifestyles.

Attractions and Experiences in Kampala:

– The Buganda palace, Mengo is the administrative center of the Buganda Kingdom, with both the Lukiiko (Parliament) and the Lubiri (Palace) to the King.
– The Mengo Palace of King Mutesa II has great historical and cultural tourism sites where one can explore. This includes the Idi Amin dungeon and many more.
– The Uganda Museum is where you will find most of the history of Uganda and evidence of the culture and heritage of the Ugandan tribes in various exhibits.
– The Ndere Centre is a center of excellence for authentic cultural entertainment through music and dance, folklore, and cuisine. Friday and Sunday evenings are set aside for cultural performances.
– A City Tour, visiting major historical sites in the city can be done in various ways including a city walk, cycling, or driving.
– Visit the markets, here you will find many local markets including daily grocery markets as well as art and craft markets for souvenirs.

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